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Behind Maze

We're two young people who started a creative adventure to put together an amazing streetwear experience just for you. Our dedication to making things great is strong,we go all the way from Switzerland to Italy to source the finest materials, ensuring that every single piece of streetwear we craft is of the highest quality. What's more, we put our hearts into each garment by personally handling the embroidery right here in Switzerland. This extra touch adds a genuine touch of authenticity that highlights the deep care we have for what we do.

In a world that can be pretty chaotic, we've found that keeping things simple can be really beautiful. Our style really likes simple designs that make a big impact without overwhelming you. This love for keeping things understated mixes perfectly with our boldness, resulting in clothes that are bigger and comfy, while still looking stylish.

Our special mix of ideas goes beyond just clothes – it's also about expressing yourself and feeling confident. The heart of Maze is a tribute to the complex paths our thoughts take, getting inspiration from how minds can be like mazes. With our clothing, we want to tell you something important: that it's meaningful to create your own inner world, accepting all the different feelings inside you, and writing your own personal stories. Real freedom and knowing who you are don't come from always looking for ways to escape the outside world, but by really exploring your own thoughts and feelings.